VRC OneMirror by TaleSter
This is an improved version of my previous mirror. The VRC OneMirror features a simple and easy to use interface that allows for toggling the mirror to either high quality, low quality, and cutout modes. What sets this apart from other mirrors is that this asset only uses one mirror, so there is no switching between multiple mirrors for different settings. This allows for less objects per mirror, and can save on world size. This mirror also features a customizable proximity trigger for turning the mirror off once a player gets far enough away.
Drag the Unitypackage into your world, and then in the OneMirror folder, you can drag out the prefab. The mirror will be white by default to allow for easier placement. When moving and scaling the mirror, make sure you are only modifying the "OneMirror Reflection" object. When you are happy with the size and position of your mirror, uncheck the mesh renderer component in the "OneMirror Reflection" object, Do not delete it.
Its very simple. Press the button of the quality you want, to activate the mirror. Press that same button again, or get far enough away from the mirror to disable it
- Modify the mirror to your liking, including the UI colors and button arrangement.
- Use the mirror in public worlds.
- Distribute modifications of the mirror to people who already own it.
- Add additional credit in your world if you want to.
- Claim the mirror as your own making.
- Distribute the mirror or any modifications of it for any reason to people who do not own the asset.
- Modify the UI in such a way where the credits are removed or obfuscated.
- Sell a world containing the mirror without permission from me, or without removing the asset first.
If you have further questions, feel free to reach out to me on discord! (talester)